Thetford Community Updates

Thetford community, Right now we are in turbulent and unprecedented times. This seems to touch everything, all the way from global events to here in Thetford. Our local governance is in the throes of change. We have three new Selectboard members who are valiantly embracing the challenge of issues they never dreamed of. To be fair, I didn’t realize in early March that we would be so thoroughly tested. We are in transition to the town manager form of governance - and during transition we also changed Town Managers. We understood from the exploratory process that this would not be smooth sailing – it’s been difficult for every municipality that’s made the change. Some of us have struggled with this transition more than others. These events, exceptional in themselves, are unfolding against the backdrop of a global pandemic, the likes of which have not been experienced in any of our lifetimes. Town administration has had to operate from a locked-down Town Hall under radically altered rules of operation. Hats off to all the staff for their forbearance and for keeping things on an even keel. While deciding which services to provide and how was a challenge, a much bigger test of town governance is still to be faced. The pandemic has stunted our economy and after the stimulus money runs out the future looks uncertain. It’s probably safe to say that overall Vermonters will find themselves worse off. Failure to anticipate harder times would be negligent. Therefore the Selectboard and the Town Manger have been consciously and deliberately working to brace the Town for the worst, while still hoping things will turn out better than we fear. There is a move to reduce expenses across the board. Staff have been reduced, thus the fifth DPW crew position and the seasonal DPW position are unfilled. The Assistant Clerk position was vacant for several months until impending elections necessitated hiring. The Zoning Administrator position was not filled, nor was the DPW Project Manager. Both these roles were taken on by the Town Manager, on top of all the regular managerial responsibilities. In addition the Town Manager has assumed the duties of Delinquent Tax Collector. If you think this sounds like a seven days a week job - it is. (If you want to send him a thank you note, his email is ). This year has been and will continue to be tough, but we are warned that the pandemic’s impact will really hit home with next year’s state and federal budget deficits. We should expect an era of austerity that we will have no choice but to adapt to. Lastly and most importantly, we have yet to comprehend the economic impact the pandemic has and will have on our residents, including their ability to meet their property tax obligations. We have to acknowledge the possibility that we could draw up a Town budget and be unable to meet it due to a decrease in tax revenue. The Selectboard and Town Manager are therefore trying to work proactively to balance Town operations with the cost of living of residents during these unpredictable times. Through all this, the community has generally rallied together. Most Town employees have stepped up in unimaginable ways to fill roles outside of their usual job description. Most of us in Thetford have been team players, and have put the community first. That is, I believe, precisely what will enable Thetford to successfully weather these challenging and historic times. We will overcome these challenges together. We will all be asked to make sacrifices: maybe Treasure Island will not be open as much as we’d like, or a road repair will take longer as our dedicated road crew tries to get work done with a tightened budget, but we will get there if we all keep working together. That is the spirit, after all, that makes Thetford the place I want to live. Please reach out to me, any Selectboard member, or the Town Manager if you have any questions or concerns. Please remember to wear masks in public. Finally, thank you to our community, who has stayed calm and collected during this state of emergency. Nick
